RWG - Rotterdam World Gateway
Parking: Toilet:
Shower: Coffee:
Sleeping place: Bar/Snack:

  • Open: 24/7
    Now: Open
  • Address: Amoerweg 50,
    3199 KD Rotterdam
  • Port number: 8970
  • Phone nr: +31 (0)10 742 21 50
  • Website:
  • Email:
  • iOS App: Android:

News from: RWG - Rotterdam World Gateway

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On first gate you have to scan you Cargo Card and go to the next one. There you use again CC and scan you finger. To enter RWG terminal you have to use TAR. If TAR is positive verified you will get a print out with number of block where you can drop off or pick up your container.

Important informations

Every year you have to make security training in office to keep Cargo Card active.