Rotterdam Shortsea Terminals (RST)
Parking: Toilet:
Shower: Coffee:
Sleeping place: Bar/Snack:

  • Open: 24/7
    Now: Open
  • Saturday from: 00:00 to 15:00
  • Sunday from: 17:00
  • Breaks:
    10:45 - 11:25
    18:45 - 19:25
    02:45 - 03:15
  • Shift changes:
    06:45 - 07:00
    14:45 - 15:00
    22:45 - 23:00
  • Address: Reeweg 35,
    3089 KM Rotterdam
  • Port number: 2750
  • Phone nr: +31 (0)10 294 2400
  • Website:
  • Email:

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Scan your Cargo Card at the gate and place your fingerprint for verification. Provide the TAR and if everything is OK, you will receive a printout with information about the location where you should go to pick up or drop off the container.