Rhein-Ruhr Terminal (RRT)
Parking: Toilet:
Shower: Coffee:
Sleeping place: Bar/Snack:

  • Monday - Friday from: 06:00 to: 19:00
    Now: Open
  • Address: Richard-Seiffert-Straße 43,
    47249 Duisburg
  • Phone nr: +49203318560
  • Website:

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1. Begin by parking your truck in the designated parking area. If you are dropping off a container, please wait for a checker and provide them with all the necessary information, including your reference number.

2. Afterward, proceed to the white building, which houses the office. Hand over all the documents you received from the checker to the office staff. In return, you will receive another printout specifying the location of your terminal operation.

Important Notes:
- Please be aware that the terminal is not well signposted. To navigate better, we recommend taking a picture of the map available in the office.
- Additionally, for your safety, always wear a helmet while on the premises.


Rhein-Ruhr Terminal (RRT)