Barge Center Waalhaven (BCW)
Parking: Toilet:
Shower: Coffee:
Sleeping place: Bar/Snack:

  • Monday - Friday from: 06:00 to: 22:00
    Now: Open
  • Saturday from: 07:00 to 15:00
  • Breaks:
    12:00 - 12:30
    18:00 - 18:30
  • Shift changes:
  • Address: Waalhaven West Zijde 62,
    3089 KR Rotterdam
  • Port number: 2503
  • Phone nr: +31 88 9440 441
  • Website:
  • Email:

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Contact us!


Park your truck in front of the gate, and bring along your Cargo Card and CMR documents as you proceed to the office. Once inside the office, write down a note on the right side and then approach the desk.

Following the registration process, return to your truck and open the gate.

Important informations

Keep your Cargo Card close to the reader until the gate fully opens.

Terminal's map

Barge Center Waalhaven (BCW)