ACC Kaai 234
Parking: Toilet:
Shower: Coffee:
Sleeping place: Bar/Snack:
  • ACC KAAI 234

  • Monday - Friday from: 07:00 to: 18:45
    Now: Open
  • Address: Kragenweg 4,
    2030 Antwerpen
  • Port number: 234
  • Phone nr: +32 (0) 3 369 26 26
  • Website:

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Please refer to the map below. Begin by driving to the Check-in area. From there, proceed to the office to complete the registration for your container operations. Within the office, you will receive instructions regarding the designated parking area, either 1 or 2. On the map below, you can identify the locations of ACC 1 and ACC 2.

Terminal's map

ACC Kaai 234